Thursday, August 28, 2014

The things we take for granted :/

Fall is definitely in the air right now and a pretty hard time for me!

My circulation disease Raynaud's is in a little flair.  I am having spasms about 10-12 times a day in both my hands and feet.  The spasms I talk about is when the blood vessels constrict and cause my hands/feet to turn purple, dark purple, to white-- then when warmed up they turn bright red.  As this happens they hurt and sometimes feel like they are on fire (like when you are warming up from having frozen hands in the winter).  They don't burn much anymore--I am pretty desensitized to it but they do ache and become really stiff and the ends hurt.  Ulcers can develop due to lack of circulation.

I have a nice little calcium deposit that has erupted through my elbow.  Anyone out there who has had calcium deposits will tell you how painful they are!  I can't explain it well-- but pretty much like a splinter of glass cutting into you with additional nerve pain in the area.  Ouch!  I showed my Dr. on Monday and of course they say to leave them alone but I got super brave and dug it out of my elbow tonight.  My whole arms shook and literally thought I was going to pass out.  It's so hard to teach dance and tumbling when that is constantly being rubbed on so I think it will be better now that it's out.  I have one in my knee that I need to get surgically removed sometime.  I can't kneel on a certain spot on my right knee.

(couldn't get a very good picture of's a deep sliver wounnd)

I also have an ulcer on the outside part of my small toe on BOTH feet.  They don't bother me much only during a spasm or when I am dancing--so I guess they do bother me a lot haha.  Wish they would heal before the weather turns too cold.

Here are a couple pictures I took tonight so you know a little about what I am trying to explain.  My toes are swollen too because of the increased dose of steroids :(

It hurts to dance with these dang toe ulcers so hoping they will heal fast.

I am kind of bummed but another thing that just started Tuesday night is dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).  Ya, I wasn't going to say anything because I thought it was just a minor thing but continued again last night and so I woke up Spencer and told him.  We said a little prayer that it will improve.  I'm sure my mom & liz will freak and be mad I haven't said anything.  It's different than when my lower esophageal sphincter was affected and I could hardly swallow any food or water.  I can still get food down--it's just that my throat muscles feel really weak so when I swallow I have to really try to swallow hard or even swallow a couple times.  My throat feels tired most of the time, such a weird feeling that I've never felt before. I need to call my Dr. on Tuesday and see what he thinks we should do.  I really don't want it to get worse and then have other things flare up.  Oh the things we take for granted!  I would be lying if I said I wasn't worrying just a tad.  Dr. Call will probably want to try me again on some kind of a calcium channel blocker called nifedipine but I just don't think I can tolerate the migraines it gives me.  Those are getting lots better :)

Tonight my bones ache and I feel chilled.

Tomorrow is BYU football so looking forward to a fun weekend with my little family!

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