Thursday, March 19, 2015

Not going down without a fight!

I haven't posted an update in FOREVER...I guess it was just too painful and hard to put into words.  Being told I was going to have surgery for the calcium deposits and start Chemo for my lungs pretty much threw me over the top...I knew I had to fight.  So I have fought a tough fight the last few months.  I'm stubborn and told myself if I am on meds then there must be a reason.  In my crazy mind I thought that if I go off my meds and fight real hard the problems will go away.  I have felt amazing--back to my pre-flare state!!  Today I feel amazing!  After work tonight on my way home I listened to all my voice mails.  I noticed a missed call from Dr. Call's office (my rheumatologist).  I knew instantly that something came up in my blood work that I had done as a routine visit on Tuesday this week.  I was right--my inflammation levels are extremely high along with my Scleroderma counts.  He advised I go in for another blood test and to call back Monday morning.  He also said to start back on the steroids.  Honestly, I feel so good I could cry at how much better I feel.  He did say that my muscle enzymes did not elevate so the muscle wasting disease (myositis) is in remission.  YAY!  At this time I've decided to continue being med Dr. Call said to me on Tuesday, "with Scleroderma we treat the symptoms that come along.  If you feel great then let's not change that by making any drastic changes and ride it out."  XOXO Brittany